Year 5

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Welcome to Year 5

Miss H Smith - Class 11 Teacher
Mrs Green - Class 11 Teaching Assistant

Miss C Smith - Class 12 Teacher
Mrs Khan- Class 12 Teaching Assistant

Please remember we will post updates of your children's learning and important information on the Class Dojo app.

Key Information

PE will take place every Wednesday so please ensure that children wear PE kits to school.
Class 12 have swimming each Thursday and will need their kits.
Ukulele lessons are every Tuesday.
Homework will be handed out on a Thursday and must be returned the following Tuesday. There will be a spelling test each Friday.
Please read with your child each night and comment and sign in the home school planner.
Remember to look for regular updates on the Class Dojo app.
Children need a water bottle in school each day.

Year 5 are thoroughly excited about all the fantastic learning we have planned for our Spring Term. Please read below to find out what we will be covering in each area of the curriculum.


In English we are looking at persuasive writing and will be creating our own spy gadgets that we will try to persuade people to buy. We will also be looking at letters, dialogue and poetry. The poem we will be focusing on will be The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes.


Within our maths lessons we will be continuing with fractions and later moving on to multiplication and division. It would be beneficial for children to continue to practice their timetables at home to support classwork.


This half term we will be starting our forces topic. During science week, the children will be investigating gravity and air resistance by testing parachutes. Ask your child to explain the outcomes of our investigation in the coming weeks. Please use the link below to find out more about the topic.

BBC Bitesize Science


In our history lessons, we will be continuing to focus on the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings. The children will be finding out about their achievements, societal structures, housing and food. We will then move on to our new topic in Spring 2, which will focus on the Early Islamic Civilisation.


In our Geography topic, we will be looking at rivers and focusing on a comparison between South American rivers and rivers in the UK.

PSHE- Relationships and Health Education

This term our topic will be called Aiming High. In these lessons we will be focusing on our achievements so far and our aspirations for the future.


Year 5 will be studying Still Life artwork by looking at different artists such as Picasso, before using our new skills of perspective, composition and tone to create our own still life drawing.


During the Spring Term, Year 5 have the fantastic opportunity to learn the Ukulele which will result in a brilliant concert to be performed for parents.


Each Tuesday, year 5 will be taught French by our French teacher Aurelie. This term they will be focusing on animals and body parts.


During the Spring term, Year 5 will be looking at the question ‘If God is everywhere, why go to a place of worship?’ This will cover a variety of religions including Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism.


Every child in year 5 will get 1 hour of PE per week, alongside swimming lessons during their allotted time.


Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 5 team.


Information for Parents/Guardians:


Keep in Touch:

Please see our latest newsletters to keep up to date with all the latest news and events.
You can also keep in touch by staying logged in to our class dojo.


Useful Websites

Maths and English

All Curriculum Areas


Dyslexia Award LogoYST Quality MarkBig Lottery FundedHealthy School Award

Sustrans Bike It Bronze AwardBug Club Gold Music mark