

Head Teacher: Mrs L Bates
Chair of Governors: Cllr David Acton
Classification: Community School

Our Vision

• A Learning School
• A Community School
• An Inclusive School
• A Healthy School
• A Reflective School
• A Growth Mindset School

Aims of the School

To secure our vision our school is one where we believe in "Working Together To Do Our Best", in order to seek improvement.

At Gorse Hill Primary School our core values are to:
• Make Learning Fun
• Create Memories
• Promote a “Growth Mind Set” (I can…)
• Reward Effort and Improvement
• Encourage Empathy, Warmth and Respect
• Aspire - Aim High
• Challenge - Try New Things and Have a Go
• Provide Time to ‘Reflect’
• Celebrate Diversity, Teamwork and Uniqueness
• Engage the Community
• Inclusion and Equality of Opportunity
• Building Resilience, Independence, Self-Confidence and Self-Belief
• Provide Quality First Teaching
• Value the Individual
• Take Pride in Ourselves
• Enable “Enquiring Minds”
• Make Time to Laugh, Read, Think, Play and Talk
• Being Visionary
• Strive for Excellence

These aims form the basis for developing the ethos of the school and are delivered through the curriculum. All children follow the subjects in the new National Curriculum and a course in Personal Social Health Education and Citizenship (PSHEC). The subjects followed are: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Design and Technology, Computing, Art and Design, Music, MFL (French), Physical Education and Religious Education.

Teaching and learning are the core purpose of Gorse Hill Primary School. Children are engaged and motivated by an irresistible curriculum which inspires them to strive constantly for personal bests within an atmosphere of challenge and support.

Assessment is an integral part of learning and children are expected to be a key part of the assessment process, analysing their own performance and having a clear understanding of their next steps.
All of our children have access to a broad, balanced and exciting curriculum which inspires them to learn every day. We have high expectations of our children and support them all to to do their very best.
This approach has enabled our children to maintain their passion and enthusiasm for learning.


The school was built in 1905 and was refurbished in 1996. In 2019, due to a rising number on roll, the school was extended to include 4 new classrooms, 3 break out areas and a hygiene room. There are four teaching areas, Early Years, KS1, Lower KS2 and Upper KS2. Each area is fully equipped and has its own entrance. Throughout the school there are fifteen classrooms, a main hall, a play therapy room, a food technology room, a library, a forest school area, playgrounds and a multi-purpose sports pitch.

Gorse Hill Primary School is a two form entry primary school. Classes are of mixed ability and consideration is given to age, balance of sexes and friendship groups when organizing individual classes. Children may undertake work individually, in groups or as a class.

School Times and Holidays

Doors open at 8.50am each morning and children are supervised in class.
School closes at 3.05pm each day for Reception to Y6 pupils with a 45 minute lunch.

Morning Session is 8.50 am. to 11.30 am. Afternoon Session is 12.30 pm. to 3. pm.

Reception to Year 6 - 8.50am to 3.05pm each day with a 45 minute lunch.

Gorse Hill Primary School Opening Times

Holiday dates are issued annually to parents or may be obtained from the school office or viewed here - Holiday Dates.

Religious Education and Collective Acts of Worship

The school follows the religious education programme as defined by the Trafford Education Authority's Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education. It aims to develop in children, an awareness of and respect for themselves, others, the world around them, spiritual experience and religious tradition and is in no way meant to indoctrinate.

Daily collective acts of worship are held, either in class, departments, or whole school. Although these are mainly or wholly Christian, we draw upon the school's many cultures and religions and various religious festivals. Parents who wish their child to be withdrawn from collective acts of worship, must make such a request in writing to the Head teacher. Our Friday morning Good News Assembly, celebrates children’s successes from that particular week.
The school has no religious affiliations with a particular religion. However, there are occasional visits from religious leaders across a variety of religions.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Such activities are valuable in providing a source of enjoyment and bring pupils and teachers together outside the classroom. They give the children a chance to develop additional skills. These activities will vary throughout the year. Such activities may be clubs for sports or general interest, such as, football and netball. They may be held during the school day or before/after school. Some clubs are provided by external agencies and/or coaches and may therefore incur a small charge.


The staff at Gorse Hill ensure that all school procedures and policies are implemented but we realise that from time to time things go wrong. We take all complaints seriously and work hard to resolve issues. In the first instance you should speak to the class teacher. If you have a complaint, the school has a complaints policy which is available to download on the school’s website

Pastoral Care

All teaching and non-teaching staff aim to develop a partnership between the school, parent and child, which promotes a supportive and caring environment. We welcome any information which might affect your child's progress and happiness. The school has a Learning Mentor who can offer you support with parenting, behaviour or other issues that may affect your child’s wellbeing. We also buy in the expertise of a Social Worker who is able to support families who may be experiencing difficulties.
Additionally, the school has a play therapy room and employs a Play Therapist and more recently, we have a children’s counsellor from Place 2 Be and a Teaching Assistant trained as an ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant)

Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND)

Sometimes, children experience difficulty in keeping up with the rest of the children in their class. This can happen for a variety of reasons. It is our policy to identify these children and give them special individual attention to help them overcome their problems.

If your child is identified as having need of extra help, they will initially be ‘Monitored’ on a preliminary register to our SEND register. At this stage you will be informed of the nature of the problem, and asked if you have any information which could be relevant to the problem and the strategies we adopt to overcome them. Your child may be on the ‘monitored register’ for no more than two terms.

If your child has not made significant progress after two terms, they will be registered as having a special need. Children who are on the SEND register will have a Pupil Passport each term, a copy of which will be sent home. These are completed after discussion with each child about their opinions on their own learning, what they find difficult and what can help them. Pupil Passports have replaced Individual Education Plans (IEPs) and focus on the positive aspects of each child and their learning, outlining the best resources to help them. This allows any adult working with the child to gain a good picture of the child and how to best support them. They also allow children to take ownership over their own learning.

Should your child still have significant problems after this, they will be referred for assessment by the Educational Psychologist who will help to determine if your child needs an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).

It is our policy to keep parents informed of developments at every stage of the procedure. If you have any worries concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher to arrange an appointment to discuss your concerns. The school has a disability equity policy in place.

Mrs Dickinson is the school’s SENCo (Special Needs Co-ordinator), who can be contacted through the school office or by e-mail

Relationships and Health Education

Gorse Hill Primary School teaches the statutory content of the Relationships and Health Education curriculum published by the DFE. The aims are to prepare children to cope with the physical and emotional changes of growing up and to give children an elementary understanding of reproduction in some plants and animals including the scientific names of the reproductive organs. In Relationships and Health Education children reflect on:
• Families and people who care for me;
• Caring friendships;
• Respectful relationships;
• Online relationships;
• Being safe.
The Relationships and Health Education curriculum is now a statutory part of the curriculum and therefore parents cannot withdraw children from the lessons. The full Relationships and Health Education curriculum is available to view on the website.

Safeguarding and Child Protection

Parents should be aware that the school will take any reasonable action to ensure the safety of its pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child may be subject to ill treatment, neglect or abuse, staff have no alternative but to follow the Trafford Safeguarding Children Board Policies and Procedures and will inform Trafford’s First Respons of their concerns.

The School has two designated safeguarding leads (DSL): Mrs Bates (Head Teacher) and Miss Coxe (Learning Mentor). The DSLs are supported in their role by two deputy designated safeguarding leads (DDSL): Mrs Rodda (Deputy Head) and Mr Bates (Learning Mentor).

Parents will not be informed of concerns unless staff are certain that the safety of the child will not be prejudiced by doing so. In NO circumstances will parents be contacted where sexual abuse is suspected unless the assault was by a total stranger.

The complete Safeguarding Policy and Child Protection Policy are available on the school’s website.

Punctuality and Attendance

As parents, you have a legal responsibility to ensure that your child attends school and that they are punctual. Registers are monitored monthly and letters sent to parents of pupils whose attendance and punctuality is deemed to be unsatisfactory. In serious cases, the school may contact the Local Authority to issue a fixed penalty notice or to put a parenting order in place.

We actively encourage good attendance by regularly presenting certificates and awards to those pupils who have good or improved attendance. Each week, the class with the highest attendance wins Attendance Bear. At the end of the term, the class with the highest overall attendance is rewarded with a trip.

Should your child be absent through illness, it is essential that they bring a note to school upon their return or that you leave a phone message. The school will then decide if the absence will be authorised. It is the school’s policy to operate a first day response system to chase up none attendance.

It is the school policy not to authorise holidays in term time as this may mean your child will miss some vital work which they will not be able to make up. A fixed penalty notice may be issued per child, per parent in cases where unauthorised holidays are taken. Failure to return from an extended holiday (20 days) will result in your child being removed from the school register and reported as missing.
In exceptional and rare circumstances, and only when attendance is outstanding, the school is prepared to authorise up to 10 days holiday leave each year.

There may be unavoidable times when your child will arrive late. It is essential they report to the school office on arrival to obtain their attendance mark. The class register closes at 9.10am. After the school bell indicating the start of the day, all the children enter school and walk down to their classes. The children's entrances will be locked at 9.00am to safeguard the pupils. Parents arriving with their children late will not be able to accompany them to class. A member of staff can take them and any message to their teacher. If you need to speak to your child's teacher about an urgent situation, then inform the school office, otherwise the teacher will contact you at the first opportunity. Staff are usually available at the end of the day to speak to parents/carers, please organise this through the school office too.

Medical Advice

The school nurse is a regular visitor to school. Several services are available in school throughout your child's stay with us. It is essential that you sign a consent form allowing your child to be seen by the School Nurse to ensure they do not miss out on these important services:

• Regular dental, sight and hearing checks.
• Routine medicals and immunisations by the school doctor are offered for flu, measles and mumps as well as booster vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus and polio.
• Health checks by the school nurse including the checking of hair, skin, feet, height, weight and discussing general health.
• Health Education and hygiene lessons for whole classes when appropriate.

We are also able to monitor individual children with specific problems.
Parents should note that the school has an Intimate Care Policy which comes into effect if an individual child requires assistance with toileting.


A growing number of children need to take medicine while at school or need support because of their special medical needs. The major role for caring for a child rests with the parents or guardians and it is their responsibility to manage the child's health and to ensure attendance at school. However, the school asks that parents give information about their child's medical condition, the treatment he or she will need at school and any special needs or conditions that apply.

At Gorse Hill Primary School it is the policy for a recognised first aider to administer/supervise the taking of medicines which are brought into school. Please be aware that there is no contractual obligation for staff to carry out this role and it is only with their prior agreement. Medication prescribed 3 times a day will not be given in school as the recommended dosage can be taken before and after school. Parents are however welcome to come into school at lunchtime if they wish to administer medicine themselves outside of these arrangements. Parents must complete a medication consent form which is kept in the school office before any medication can be administered by staff, if unable to come into school.

A few medicines, such as asthma inhalers, must be readily available to pupils and must not be locked away. Inhalers are made easily accessible by the child's class teacher. The school has a detailed policy on managing medicines and a separate one for asthma. You are always welcome to ask to see a full copy of the document.

Behaviour and Discipline

At Gorse Hill Primary School we are committed to creating a positive atmosphere where good behaviour is expected. We believe, and research shows, that a shared and consistent approach between home and school regarding positive behaviour and sanctions ensures that children are more likely to engage in school and achieve in their learning. We use Zones of Regulationto teach childrenhow to recognise and describe how they are feeling, the reasons for feeling this way and strategies to move to the ‘green zone’.

We develop children’s self -awareness and respect for others by encouraging them to live up to these expectations:

Good Behaviour is seen as:
• Being kind and helpful
• Respect for others, themselves, their belongings and school property
• Good manners
• Working hard to do their best
• Being honest and respectful
• Working in harmony with others
• Good/ polite listening- looking at the teacher
• Being able to follow instructions and rules
• Children cooperating with teachers and each other
• Children being on task and engaged

Golden Time

At Gorse Hill Primary we follow the ‘Golden Time Policy. This is a celebration of great behaviour. Children start each week with 60 minutes of golden time. Children who do not follow the golden rules will lose golden time in 5 minute increments. On a Friday afternoon between 2pm-3pm, the whole school is involved in golden time. We offer a range of activities for children to choose from for example, cooking, art, forest school, sport, yoga, sing star, animation, fashion and design… and the list goes on. Pupils who have lost golden time sit out of the activity for that period of time before joining in. Children who lose 15 minutes or more golden time in a week will be given time to reflect with a member of staff in the Reflection Room on their choices before going to their golden time activity.


Throughout the year you will be able to earn the following rewards:
• Stickers.
• Dojo
• Head Teacher award.
• Teachers will report good behaviour and work to parents
• Golden Time
• Attendance Bear, attendance badges and attendance trips


If children ignore the behaviour expectations of our school, then the following sanctions will be applied:
• Removal of golden time
• Removal of a dojo
• Missing part or all playtime or lunchtime
• Pupil sent to buddy class and a reflection sheet completed
• The child will be placed on report.
• In extreme cases, after all the above sanctions have been followed and in consultation with parents, a fixed term exclusion will be considered.

SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities) - Children with identified needs will have a bespoke behaviour plan tailored to their individual needs.
The full behaviour and discipline policy is available on the school’s website.


We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying, and any form of bullying will be dealt with individually and appropriately, and in some cases, parents will be consulted in order to work in partnership to solve issues.
Behaviour will be classed as bullying if it is deliberately designed to distress or provoke. Bullying is repeated verbal, physical, social, emotional, racial, sexual, homophobic/transphobic, electronic, psychological, damaging property or aggressive behaviour by a person or group directed towards a less powerful person or group that is intended to cause harm, distress or fear.

Bullying is hurtful or unkind behaviour which is deliberate and repeated. Bulllying can be carried out by an individual or a group of people towards and individual or group. The STOP acronym can be applied to define bullying – Several Times On Purpose.

In school we have a PSHEC curriculum that supports pupils’ understanding of the definition and identification of bullying behaviour, and looks at the school systems for reporting incidents in order to help pupils feel safe. We also look at how bullying makes people feel, and the strategies you can use to support friends who are being bullied. Our school policy also takes into account incidents that take place outside of school, including cyber bullying and any reported incidents will be dealt with accordingly.

The full policy is available on the school’s website.


All children are expected to be involved in the school's "Shared Reading" programme and take home their reading books. There are further opportunities to develop the child's language and mathematical skills and abilities across the curriculum. The frequency of this homework increases as the child gets older. As a general guide, these are the expected amounts of time that should be spent on homework tasks each week:
KS1- 1 hour
Lower KS2- 1 ½ hours
Upper Key Stage 2- 2 ½ hours
Children who do not hand completed homework in, will be required to complete the task during their breaks and lunchtimes.

School Uniform

The governors require all children who attend to wear school uniform. This must be chosen from the following and may be obtained from Monkhouse School Outfitters in Stretford Mall. None branded school wear can be purchased from many supermarkets at a reasonable price. The school’s uniform policy can be viewed on the website.

Black school sweatshirt with the school logo or cardigan;
Yellow school polo shirt;
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore;
Grey, white or black socks or tights;

Dark low heeled shoes/boots.
Plain black trainers with a black sole. (No other type of trainer to be worn)

Yellow polo shirt, grey school shorts or yellow gingham dress (optional).

PE Uniform
All children must change for PE into school PE kit. This consists of:
• plain white T-shirt;
• plain black shorts;
• trainers/pumps.
During the winter months, children are allowed to wear black tracksuit trousers and sweatshirts.

All clothing MUST be clearly marked with the child's name. There is a lost property box in school.

Jewellery amd Make-Up

Pupils are not allowed to wear make-up or nail varnish in school including any type of false nails.

Pupils are not permitted to wear jewellery in school except small studs in pierced ears or for religious reasons. Jewellery can be stolen or mis-placed, and serious injuries have occurred where children have been scratched by rings, choked by necklaces or had ears ripped through the wearing of inappropriate ear-rings whilst running around at playtime.
If your child comes to school wearing jewellery, it will be confiscated and kept in a secure place until return at 3.05pm

For safety reasons, ear studs and watches must be removed for alI PE lessons.
If your child is unable to remove ear studs for PE, they must bring in and apply plasters to cover their ears.
As teachers cannot be held responsible for the safe keeping of valuable items, it is suggested that your child not wear either of these items on those days when they have PE, swimming or outdoor pursuits.

Dinners and Milk

All children in Reception , Y1 and Y2 will receive a free school meal regardless of circumstances. Children in these classes will not be allowed to bring a packed lunch from home unless there are extreme circumstances which warrant this.

In KS2 you have three options available to you at lunchtime. Your child can:-

• stay for dinner
• bring a packed lunch
• go home for lunch

If you opt for your child to stay for school dinners and you do not qualify for free school meals, dinner money is paid in advance online through We are unable to provide a meal for children who have not paid in advance for their school dinners. Our kitchen is run by 'Trafford Catering' who are extremely committed to the Healthy Lunch Agenda. The meals they prepare meet both the food and nutritional standards issued by the Government.

If you wish your child to change from dinners to sandwiches or vice versa, 2 weeks notice in writing must be given. Your child will not be allowed to change option more than once in any one term. If your child is on school dinners and has any dietary requirements, please inform us so that we can ensure alternative meals are available.

From April 2023, the school kitchen is able to cater for Halal meals.

A third of a pint of milk, subsidised by the EC, is provided free of charge for all pupils under the age of five.

Sending Money to School

Gorse Hill Primary uses a completely cashless system therefore the preferred method of payment is through Alternatively, payments can be made at local Pay Points by using a bar coded letter that is available on request from the school office. For cases where cash needs to be sent into school for example; charity and fund raising events, it must be in a sealed envelope with your child's name, class and the amount of money enclosed clearly on the front.

Bringing Articles to School

We cannot accept responsibility for the safe keeping of money or valuable items. Children are not allowed to bring toys or battery operated equipment to school, this includes mobile phones.

School Bags and Belongings

As everybody wears identical school uniform, it is essential that all articles of clothing are clearly labelled with your child's name.
There is very little that your child needs to bring to school on a daily basis. As space is limited, could we please ask that your child does not bring a large bag to school as they create a safety hazard. We do have for sale, bags with the school logo that are large enough to carry all that your child needs to bring to school. These are available from the school office at a cost of £4 (correct at the time of going to press).

Admissions Procedures

The Governing Body accepts the Local Education Authority's policy for admissions to primary schools. This means that all four year old children will be entitled to full time education. This means that all children whose fifth birthday falls between 1st. September and 31st. August the following year will be admitted to school at the beginning of the Autumn Term for that academic year.

Exceptions to these admissions can be considered only where there are pressing educational reasons. If you feel your child's circumstances merit special consideration, please write to the Director of Education (Admissions Department) giving full and detailed reasons for your request.

The school has a priority catchment area and will accept all children who wish to attend from within this area. If you are resident outside this area, you must to write to the Director of Education with your request to attend Gorse Hill Primary School. If there is a place available, once the demand for our priority catchment area has been met, your child will be given a place.

Should the Director of Education receive more requests than can be accommodated, priority for admission will be given first to those children with older brothers and/or sisters attending the school. Secondly, it will be given to those children who live nearest to the school. Should you live outside Trafford, the above procedures will also apply.

If you are considering sending your child to our school, please contact us to arrange a visit. We are willing to answer any questions that you may have with regard to our educational philosophy, the curriculum, organisation and activities of the school. If you wish your child to join us, then you need to fill out a "Trafford Admission Application form", available from Trafford Council Admissions Department.

If your child is starting school or the nursery for the first time, there will be a "Parents' Evening" held to outline school procedures, and to give you the opportunity to view the classroom and ask questions. The children are given an opportunity for a pre-school or pre-nursery visit to acquaint themselves with their new surroundings and meet staff.

The School deals with its own Nursery admissions. The Nursery admission’s Policy is available on the School’s website. If you wish for your child to attend our nursery, please complete an admission form which is available from the school office.

Reporting to Parents

We believe in partnership between the school, parent and child. Each academic year, we hold two formal evenings for parents to view their child's work and discuss progress. The co-ordinator for children with special educational needs (SEND) also holds separate review meetings. At the end of each academic year, parents are given a written report, relevant Key Stage assessment information and attendance. If required, it is possible to make arrangements to see teaching staff before and after school..

Home School Planners

Each year, your child will be issued with a home-school planner to help you to communicate with your child’s class teacher and vice versa. The planner contains much useful information regarding school policies, procedures and educational support. You are expected to sign the relevant pages such as the home school agreement and internet use permissions. Planners must be sent into school each day. If your child loses their planner, it must be replaced at a cost of £3.

Additional Information

Further additional information can be obtained from the school’s website, such as, statutory requirements and circulars, published OFSTED reports on the school, schemes of work, and the L.A.'s agreed syllabus for Religious Education. OFSTED reports may also be obtained online at or on the school’s website.

The policies mentioned within this prospectus can be obtained by request from the school or downloaded from the school’s website


The details given in this document are accurate at the time of writing, but since school arrangements are subject to change, there can be no guarantee they will pertain in the future.



Dyslexia Award LogoYST Quality MarkBig Lottery FundedHealthy School Award

Sustrans Bike It Bronze AwardBug Club Gold Music mark