Year 4

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Welcome to Year 4

Mrs Rodda/Mr Donaghy - Class 9 Teacher
Ms Bailey - Class 9 Teaching Assistant

Mr Gleaves - Class 10 Teacher
Miss Morton - Class 9 Teaching Assistant

A very warm welcome back! Hope that you had a wonderful summer. We are really excited about the upcoming learning journey ahead for the Autumn Term.

In English “Talk for|Writing” we will be looking at Beat the Monster Suspense Stories with our main text being The Manor House and some learning challenges to include – powerful verbs, personification, creepy settings, alliteration, adjectives, pronouns to hide the threat.

In Maths we will be focusing of the crucial skills of Place Value and addition and subtraction.

History will be the Ancient Greeks and Roman Britain. Who was the most powerful, who had the best myths and what do different sources tell us about them.

Music will have the wonderful Halle Orchestra teachers to use music to support and represent our classroom learning and also the composition Mama Mia to explore pitch, rhythm, dynamics, timbre, tempo, pulse and structure as we compose our own versions.

Geography will be Manchester and the North West including both human and physical features, a local investigation and six figure grid references.

In Science our learning challenges will be teeth and the human digestive system.

Computing will be Coding through Scratch.

PHSE will be Very Important Persons and Safety First.

RE will be Journeys.

Thank you so much for your continued support.

The Year 4 team
Mrs Rodda/Mr Donaghy, Ms Bailey
Mr P Gleaves, Mrs Morton


Information for Parents/Guardians:

Curriculum Overview

English Long Term Plan


Keep in Touch:

Please see our latest newsletters to keep up to date with all the latest news and events.
You can also keep in touch by staying logged in to our class dojo.


Useful Websites

Daily Online Lessons

Home Learning Packs

Maths and English

All Curriculum Areas




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