Year 3

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Welcome to Year 3

Mrs Cameron - Class 7 Teacher
Miss Mears/Miss Smith - Class 7 Teaching Assistant

Mrs O'Breasail - Class 8 Teacher
Mrs Mears/Miss Smith - Class 8 Teaching Assistant

Welcome back to a new Autumn term in Year 3.

In our maths learning we will be looking at place value, ordering and comparing numbers to 1000 and adding and subtracting three digit numbers. We will also be learning our x3 and x4 times tables so please quiz your child on these regularly.

In English, we will be developing our written work by using conjunctions, openers, paragraphs and mixed punctuation. We will use different texts to help us achieve this and will be learning how to adapt our writing for different purposes such as information reports, newspaper articles and some fantastic story telling.

In our science lessons, we will be looking at the requirements of animals and humans, including healthy eating, different food types and the skeleton and movement as well as looking at magnets and seeing what the ‘attraction’ is!

Our geographical skills will be enhanced as we look at how volcanoes and earthquakes are formed as well as practicing our fieldwork skills as we study our local area.

Our history learning will take us right back to the Stone Age, and we will look at how life began to progress from the Stone Age through to the Iron Age.

Our religious education will focus on what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today and our Design technology studies will focus on packaging and design. In Art, we will be developing our collage skills and looking at some famous artists and the work they have created.

Key Information

A reminder to all – please can you ensure that your child has labels in their uniform and that they come into school in their PE kits on the day of their PE lessons.

Also, reading books and planners need to be brought into school every day, and should be signed every time you listen to your child read. Homework will be sent out on Friday and must be returned by Wednesday of the following week.

Please remember to message us on Class Dojo if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank-you to all parents for your continued support.
Mrs Cameron and Mrs O’Breasail


Information for Parents/Guardians:


Keep in Touch:

Please see our latest newsletters to keep up to date with all the latest news and events.
You can also keep in touch by staying logged in to our class dojo.


Useful Websites

Maths and English

All Curriculum Areas


Dyslexia Award LogoYST Quality MarkBig Lottery FundedHealthy School Award

Sustrans Bike It Bronze AwardBug Club Gold Music mark