Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Mrs Langley - Class 5 Teacher
Mrs Hirons - Class 5 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Patel - Class 5 1:1 Support
Mr McKenna - Class 6 Teacher
Mrs Pavaz - Class 6 Teaching Assistant
Miss Crimes - Class 6 1:1 Teaching Assistant
In our maths learning, we will start by learning the properties of 2D and 2D shapes. Very important vocabulary (face, vertex/vertices = corners, edges, surface, quadrilateral = four sided shape, symmetrical).
We will then learn to recite and apply the knowledge of our x2, x5 and x10 times tables. We have a unit on money, which applies our multiplication and division learning. As we end the term, Year 2 will be completing a measurement and capacity unit, including lots of problem solving and reasoning.
In English, we will be learning the journey story of ‘The Papaya that Spoke’ by developing our use of cohesion and storytelling skills. Year 2 will also complete a non-fiction unit on advertisements and be selling their very own talking fruit! After that, Year 2 will also explore African Fables with a focus on sentence types and speech in texts. The non-fiction aspect of this unit will focus on instructions for Anansi.
In Science the children will build on their prior learning of materials from Year 1 looking at the suitability of materials and their purposes.
Our geographical skills will be put to the test as we about learn the seven continents and oceans of the world. Year 2 will study and compare a small area from the UK and Africa, applying what they learnt last half term about human and physical features.
Our history unit is studying the great fire of London, 1666. We will explore how this changed our building structures looking at similarities and differences between the past and present. We will have a visit from the History People to make this learning memorable on Monday the 18th of March (more details to follow).
Our religious education will focus on what it means to follow Christianity and Islam in Britain today.
The Art unit is on sketching and painting Still Life. We will study influential artists and try to learn and apply some of their skills to our own Still Life pieces.
In D&T the children will build boats and create healthy sandwiches linking to Science topics.
Music will explore ‘feelings’ and experiment different ways to express emotion through instruments and songs. We will also be learning a song called ‘Zootime’ and looking at the Reggie genre.
Please remember to message us on Class Dojo if you have any questions or concerns.
Thank-you to all for your continued support.
Mrs Langley and Mr McKenna
Key Information
Weekly routine
Reading books: In Class 5 reading books are changed on a Thursday please ensure book-bags are in school on Wednesdays. In Class 6 reading books are changed on a Friday. Children should revisit the books throughout the week becoming increasingly more fluent with each read.
Homework and Snuggle up books: Given out and changed every Thursday. Please ensure homework books and Snuggle Up books are in school every Thursday in the provided Home Work Bag.
PE: Thursday PM. Please come into school wearing your PE kit.
Information for Parents/Guardians
Keep in Touch:
Please see our latest newsletters to keep up to date with all the latest news and events.
You can also keep in touch by staying logged in to our class dojo.
Useful Websites
Maths and English
- BBC Bitesize Maths
- XLI Maths Activities
- Numbots
- Topmarks
- XLI English Activities
- Bug Club Reading
- Oxford Owl Reading
- Phonics Play
- ICT Games
- Primary Games
All Curriculum Areas
- National Geographic
- BBC Bitesize History
- Twinkl Activities
- Twinkl Activities and Extras - Games
- Twinkl Health and Wellbeing
- BBC Bitesize
- cbeebies science activities
- BBC Bitesize Science
- Science Buddies - Stem Activities
- Happy Hooligans Science Experiments and Ideas
- 10 Great Science Experiments you can do at home