Year 1

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Welcome to Year 1

Mrs Harrison - Class 3 Teacher
Mrs O'Toole - Class 3 Teaching Assistant

Mrs Durkan - Class 4 Teacher
Miss Heathcote - Class 4 Teaching Assistant
Mrs Baines - Class 4 Teaching Assistant




In English this half term we are learning the story of ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’, through Talk for Writing. We will be reading a wishing story and learning how to use adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs to create our own Wishing Tale.


In Maths this half term we will be consolidating children’s knowledge of addition and subtraction up to 10. We will also be learning about 2d and 3d shapes, their names and their properties.


In Science this half term we will be learning about seasonal changes. We will be describing weathers associated with the seasons and how day length varies from season to season. We will be using our 5 enquiry skills of Identifying, Classifying and Grouping, Pattern Seeking, Comparative and Fair testing, Research, using Secondary Resources and Observing over time, to make rain gages and wind vanes.


In Geography we will be learning about our local environment and key places in our community. We will be going on a walk around our local environment to help the children develop their mapping skills, to create their own maps of the local area. The children will also be learning how to look after their environment and how they can improve it.


In Design and Technology, we will be learning how to make our own musical instrument. We will look at the work of designers, Matt Nolan and Mike Silverman to create our instrument and use it perform as a Class Orchestra.

Kind Regards
Mrs Durkan & Mrs Harrison


Key Information

Class 3 and Class 4 will continue to have PE on a Wednesday so the children should come to school in their full PE kit.
Please send a named water bottle for your child, which will go home daily to be washed and refilled.  The children have the option of fruit at break time, if they wish to have it.
School dinners in Year One are free of charge.  The children choose their dinner each morning when they come to school, so if there is something you want or don’t want them to have, please let us know if the morning.  
Please make sure you are signed up to the class dojo, which is where all messages will be sent.  We will send homework every Friday so please make sure your child’s book bag is in school by Wednesday.  Spelling will be given out every Tuesday for a test the following week.  

Information for Parents/Guardians:


Keep in Touch:

Please see our latest newsletters to keep up to date with all the latest news and events.
You can also keep in touch by staying logged in to our class dojo.


Useful Websites:

Reading and Writing

All Curriculum Areas



Dyslexia Award LogoYST Quality MarkBig Lottery FundedHealthy School Award

Sustrans Bike It Bronze AwardBug Club Gold Music mark