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Welcome to the Nursery!

Miss Heery - Class Teacher
Mr Bates - Teaching Assistant
Miss Keaveney – Teaching Assistant

This half term in Nursery our topic is, ‘I look in the mirror and I see…Me?’ We will be looking at stories exploring lots of different families and what makes us special and unique
Through these stories we will be developing a range of skills across the Early Years Foundation stage. We explore communication and language – using circle times to talk about similarities and differences between ourselves and other families. We also explore our Knowledge and understanding the world strand by thinking about the make-up of different families.

In English this half term we will be introducing lots of rhymes and songs to encourage the children to use lots of language. We will be having a range of stories where we encourage the children to answer a range of questions and make comparisons to their own lives.

In Maths this half term the children will be introduced to the first 5 numbers, we will explore how to make these numbers in lots of practical ways. We will have activities out daily for the children to use these skills. We also have lots of different singing number rhymes that we do daily.

This half term in Nursery we have begun to settle into nursery and have explored how we cope with the new challenges this brings. We are exploring families; this has led to lots of discussions about how our families make us feel and what makes a family.

Kind Regards
Mrs Heery, Mr Bates and Miss Keaveney

Information for Parents/Guardians:

Nursery Long Term Overview

Early Learning Goals

Mathematics Long Term Plan


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Useful Websites

Maths and English

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Sustrans Bike It Bronze AwardBug Club Gold Music mark